pinned Shutdown Notification – May 8th, 2025 will no longer be available after May 8th, 2025. ssh1.eecs is running CentOS 6 operating system, which reached end-of-life on November 30, 2020. It is no longer receiving OS updates, and is a network security risk. To ensure the continued security of our systems, we have implemented replacement resources: * Machines listed with GUI access […]

Categories: Announcements

EECS “SIG” Servers End-Of-Life Announcement

This announcement is to inform you that the existing publicly available SSH servers (sig1 through sig4) will be moving to “on-campus equivalent network” availability (this includes WSU VPN, WSU Wireless, RESNet, and wired connections) at the end of the day on July 31st, 2024.  This is because the operating system they run is now End-Of-Life (EOL), […]

Categories: Announcements

Student EECS Account

Passwords: For assistance with your account, please come to the VCEA Helpdesk located in Sloan 358. Our hours are Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm. You will need to bring your Cougar Card. If you are an Everett, Tri-Cities, or Global Campus student, let us know for further support options. Links for the VPN and […]

Categories: Announcements