VCEA Computer Replacement Policy


All primary office computers for VCEA employees, classroom computers and computer labs must be replaced a minimum of every 6 years in order to ensure security and software compliance, serviceability, and reasonable support and maintenance costs. Individual departments may adopt a shorter life cycle to fit their needs. All computers will be purchased in accordance with BBPM 70.24 and installed, serviced, and maintained by VCEA Information Technology (VCEA IT). VCEA IT will have example / approved computer configurations that employees may choose from or can assist in making recommendations if adjustments are necessary. All Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture (VCEA) departmental technology purchases shall not be completed without prior approval through the VCEA IT department. (See VCEA Technology Purchasing Policy) Please submit requests to

Included Computers

  • Faculty / Staff / Hourly Employee computers (Laptops / Workstations)
  • Tablets used by employees for daily work or instruction
  • Computer Lab Workstation
  • VCEA / Department classroom (Non-GUC) and conference room computers


Some computers and devices may be excluded from this policy if they are for specific functions or as required by research needs.
Examples include:

  • Computers for specialized lab equipment/ shop equipment / machinery / etc as specified by the manufacturer.
  • Computers for a specific function, which have been previously exempted from the WSU Endpoint Management Policy, are not
    maintained by the VCEA IT Department, and do not connect to secure WSU / VCEA networks.
  • Tablets and portable electronics for specific functions, as specified by the manufacturer

While these computing devices will not be included in the 6-year replacement plan, they must be purchased (see VCEA Technology Purchasing Policy), managed and serviced by VCEA IT, or have an approved exception.


Funding for replacement of included Computers and Devices will come from VCEA Departmental budgets as they see fit. These can include grants, student fees, School budgets, etc. (This may be adapted as other funding models becoming available)


To ensure the following:

  • A standard baseline for all VCEA employees primary computing devices.
  • Computing hardware meets Enterprise-level standards to qualities to ensure system compatability, network connectivity
    and data security.
  • Hardware and Software platforms are supported for the lifetime of the device.
  • Computers are not stored untilthey are obsolete
  • Primary office and lab computers on campus are serviced appropriately.
  • Efficient and accurate inventory tracking as outlined in BBPM 20.50.
  • All computing devices that are being replaced will be disposed as outlined in BBPM 20.76.