[2021-04-26 00:00 – 23:59 PST ] VCEA IT Maintenance – VCEA Finance DB

Maintenance Info

POC: VCEA Systems Team (Erik Ostrom)

What: Overhaul VCEA Finance DB system


  • Start: Monday April 26, 2021 00:00 PST
  • End: Monday April 26, 2021 23:59 PST
  • Duration of outage (VCEA Finance DB): Intermittent outage during maintenance window. Please do not make changes to the database during this maintenance window.
  • Maintenance or service outages may not last the entire maintenance period. A notification will be sent once maintenance is complete.

Affected resources: VCEA Finance DB front end and back end virtual machines

Affected users: VCEA Finance DB users

Notes: N/A

Notification procedures: A notification will be sent as a response to this email when maintenance is complete, or if there are issues/complications. A notification will be sent as a response to this email if this maintenance is rescheduled.

Follow-up actions required (Finance DB Users): If connecting through Guacamole, no changes will be needed. If connecting via direct Remote Desktop, please contact the VCEA IT Helpdesk (contact info below) for additional support.

If users encounter problems with services after the maintenance window is over, they should contact the VCEA Helpdesk online at support.vcea.wsu.edu, by email at support.vcea@wsu.edu, or by phone at (509)335-6773.