[2021-06-02 17:30 – 23:59 PST] VCEA IT Systemwide Network Maintenance
POC: VCEA Systems Team
What: Networking, Linux & File Share Authentication, License Servers
- Start: Wednesday June 2, 2021 17:30 PT (5:30pm)
- End: Wednesday June 2, 2021 23:59 PT (midnight)
- Maintenance or service outages may not last the entire maintenance period. A notification will be sent once maintenance is complete.
Affected resources:
- License Servers for Licensed Software
- Services will be offline while being moved to new VM hosting stack
- Linux / Filesharing Authentication server
- Service will be offline while being moved to new VM hosting stack
- This will impact all linux servers using departmental auth (eecs accounts, etc)
- This will impact all file shares on the filer (e.g. /net/fs1/ etc)
- VCEA Core Networking
- All networking services will be down for 30-60 minutes intermittently as network switches are updated and rebooted
Affected users: All
Authentication and licensed software will be unavailable at first as those services are moved, then the network will be down intermittently for updates, then all servers and services will be health checked and rebooted as necessary. Maintenance should not last the whole time period.
Notification procedures: A notification will be sent as a response to this email when maintenance is complete, or if there are issues/complications. A notification will be sent as a response to this email if this maintenance is rescheduled.
Follow-up actions required: Fac/Staff with on-campus workstations may need to reboot their computers the following morning if they are encountering issues after the maintenance.
If users encounter problems with services after the maintenance window is over, they should contact the VCEA Helpdesk online at support.vcea.wsu.edu, by email at support.vcea@wsu.edu, or by phone at (509)335-6773.