[2021-06-14 17:00 – 17:05 PDT] VCEA IT Emergency Maintenance – connect.vcea.wsu.edu

POC: VCEA Systems Team (Erik)

What: connect.vcea.wsu.edu Docker restart


  • Start: Monday June 14, 2021 17:00 PDT
  • End: Monday June 14, 2021 17:05 PDT
  • Duration of outage (connect.vcea.wsu.edu website): The connect.vcea.wsu.edu website will be unavailable during the maintenance window. Users with existing sessions may need to re-authenticate to resume their sessions.
  • Maintenance or service outages may not last the entire maintenance period. A notification will be sent once maintenance is complete.

Affected resources: connect.vcea.wsu.edu web interface

Affected users: connect.vcea.wsu.edu users (fac, staff, students)

Notes: This maintenance is a routine restart of the services that run the connect.vcea.wsu.edu website, in order to load a modified configuration permanently. Only a couple of minutes of downtime is expected.

Notification procedures: A notification will be sent as a response to this email when maintenance is complete, or if there are issues/complications. A notification will be sent as a response to this email if this maintenance is rescheduled.

Follow-up actions required (connect.vcea.wsu.edu users): After maintenance is complete, connect.vcea.wsu.edu users may need to re-authenticate to resume sessions.

If users encounter problems with services after the maintenance window is over, they should contact the VCEA Helpdesk online at support.vcea.wsu.edu, by email at support.vcea@wsu.edu, or by phone at (509)335-6773.