
EECS “SIG” Servers End-Of-Life Announcement

This announcement is to inform you that the existing publicly available SSH servers (sig1 through sig4) will be moving to “on-campus equivalent network” availability (this includes WSU VPN, WSU Wireless, RESNet, and wired connections) at the end of the day on July 31st, 2024.  This is because the operating system they run is now End-Of-Life (EOL), […]

Categories: Announcements

VCEA IT Maintenance – – July 5th, 2024

On Friday, July 5th, 2024, we’re going to update to the latest version of Apache Guacamole, as well as perform backend updates to the container service. There will be some downtime while we update the services. See below for maintenance info. Maintenance Info POC: VCEA Systems Team (Heidi) What: planned updates and maintenance When: […]

Categories: Applications

Emails from ITS regarding OneDrive Limit

If you’d rather read it for yourself, check out this blog post.  It explains it pretty well in layman’s terms. OK, so WHAT IS GOING ON?  Microsoft is changing storage allocations for all institutions, all users, everywhere based on the types of licenses they have.  The VAST majority of WSU users have what’s called […]

Categories: Announcements

VCEA IT Maintenance – – December 18, 2023

On Monday, December 18th, 2023, we’re going to update to the latest version of Apache Guacamole, as well as perform backend updates to the container service. There will be some downtime while we update the services. See below for maintenance info. Maintenance Info POC: VCEA Systems Team (Erik) What: planned updates and maintenance When: […]

Categories: Applications

Student EECS Account

Passwords: For assistance with your account, please come to the VCEA Helpdesk located in Sloan 358. Our hours are Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm. You will need to bring your Cougar Card. If you are an Everett, Tri-Cities, or Global Campus student, let us know for further support options. Links for the VPN and […]

Categories: Announcements

Pullman network outage, Dec. 21 and Dec. 22

From 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 21, to 2 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 22, ITS will be replacing Pullman border equipment as part of the Wide Area Network project. Non-service impacting staging for this maintenance will start at 6 p.m., but service impacting work will not begin until 8 p.m. Please note the full maintenance window is reserved for this work. […]

Categories: Announcements, WSU ITS

Cyber Security Awareness Training

In accordance with the goals of Executive Policy 37 (EP37), all employees are required to complete designated cyber security trainings within six months of:  The effective date of the revision to EP37 that adds the cyber security training requirement (Jan. 31); or  The date of hire, if hired after the effective revision date.  All employees […]

Categories: Announcements, WSU ITS

“Your WSU/DEVAD password is expiring in three days” Email Reminders

WSU ITS has changed how service account passwords are handled. The following message below is legit. You can either ignore it and continue to receive these email reminders or forward the request on to to have it deleted. The account came from when Workday was in the process of being tested. These accounts […]

Categories: Announcements, WSU ITS

Aeolus downtime Weds June 8th 2022 12:00 to 15:45

Update: 2022.06.08 @ 14:00 : I am tentatively calling maintenance complete at this time. The unit hosting /home and associated shares now seems to be operating normally. It will be slow for the next several hours as it does various checks and performs a backup of /home, which hadn’t happened since early May. We have […]

Categories: Aeolus